Start planning your Christmas catering now

A visit to the supermarket or cash and carry will leave you in no doubt that Christmas food is there ready to be bought and the fact is that if you do not get the provisions early many of the popular items will be unavailable.

Whether you are just planning a family get together or have been tasked with the job of catering for a Christmas party, planning is key to the event running smoothly. Start by making a menu for the event being sure to check whether you need to cater for anyone with food intolerances or more serious allergies. Once you have decided on the menu you will need to break it down into the ingredients that you will need to buy and also think about a time scale for preparation and cooking. If you are going to be doing this from home then you will be aware of the equipment that you have but if you are going to be preparing food at the venue you will need to double check what equipment is available and whether you will prepare and cook the food before taking it there.

If you are going to provide drinks for the event it is a good idea to have a wide selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available as there may be some guests who are driving or who prefer not to drink alcohol. Tea and coffee should also be made available as an option along with a warm mince pie.

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