Picnics: Catering for beginners

We have all been on a picnic. Well, there are probably some people out there who are reading this who are thinking “what the hell is a picnic?!” and others who are thinking “thanks a lot idiot, I have never been invited to a picnic!” To those people I’m sorry; if I ever organise a picnic I will be sure to invite you all! But let’s get down to facts here; if you want to start catering for friends and family you have to learn how to do it.


You need to know who is coming, what they like, what they don’t like and what they want. Do these people have allergies? Have you catered for that? Have you brought enough drinks? What about a picnic blanket? Is it big enough, or have you even brought one for your friends? This is a simple catering interaction that you need to master if you’re going to progress to proper meals, proper events. Good luck!

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