Catering at sporting events
Catering always has an element of imagination involved; you try and design a menu, pick foods appropriate to your theme and the event in question and try and make the best impression that you can on the event and on the guests (how else would you get more business from referrals?) but sometimes you need to respect tradition and expectations. Sporting events, in particular, are extremely traditional with their tastes, menus and expectations.
Let’s take some examples; Tennis fans expect a certain type of food (strawberries, cream and maybe some Pimms) Cricket fans will expect their champagne and sandwiches, Football fans will expect the classic pie and builder’s brew while Rugby fans will drink pints only. There’s not much leeway for the catering department in these situations at all. You’ll just have to nail their expectations since this is a lucrative area. Use the business from this to propel you forward and apply your imagination elsewhere.
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